How well travelled
is your food?

Food Miles Calculator - Tracked Item


In total "corn" has been searched for 11,281 times. The total mileage contribution of this is 45,753,490 miles!

This means that the average distance is 4,056 miles.

The Top 20 sources are shown below:

Country From # of checks
United States 2,578
Mexico 1,867
Thailand 536
Australia 449
India 425
China 358
Argentina 342
Brazil 314
France 291
United Kingdom 235
Canada 229
American Samoa 202
Senegal 180
Spain 166
Ukraine 129
Japan 94
Kenya 87
Morocco 87
Afghanistan 85

Due to the food types being user entered these might also be of use:

baby corn, corn, babby corn, baby corn, baby corn, baby corns, baby sweet corn, Baby Sweetcorn, babycorn, black pepper corns,

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